What We Do

Risk Management

We collaborate with clients to improve their ability to govern and manage the full range of operational risks through effective controls, robust monitoring, remediation, and effective oversight. We design and implement internal controls to mitigate risks in line with risk appetite and compliance obligations. We independently test controls for design and operating effectiveness and assess the impact of new products, services, channels, geographies, and technologies on operational risk profiles.

Business Continuity

We ensure clients take reasonable steps to minimise the likelihood and impact of disruptions to its critical operations. We create credible business continuity plans that sets out how to maintain critical operations within agreed tolerance levels through severe disruptions, including disaster recovery planning for critical information assets. We design a range of severe but plausible scenarios and test the effectiveness of business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities.

Service Provider Management

We support clients to identify and manage risks associated with the use of service providers through appropriate due diligence, service provider management policies, monitoring, and formal agreements. This involves the management of risks at all stages of a service provider arrangement, from strategic planning and service provider selection through to the management of and exiting the arrangement.

Cyber Security

We are engaged by clients to independently assess the adequacy of their cyber security capability. Includes funding, staffing, timely access to specialised skills, the comprehensiveness of the control environment, and the effectiveness of board reporting and oversight. We reduce the likelihood and consequences of cyber-attacks by designing and implementing controls commensurate with the size and extent of threats to critical and sensitive information assets, and which enables the continued sound operation of business.

Cloud Security

We support clients with the design and implementation of policies, shared responsibly models, processes, and technologies to ensure data protection, support regulatory compliance, and provide control over privacy, access, and authentication for users and devices. Understanding where your cloud service provider’s security responsibilities end and yours begin is critical for building a resilient cloud security strategy.

OT Security

We specialise in addressing the unique security challenges of Operational Technology (OT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS). We work with clients to protect their critical assets through the implementation of robust system architectures, providing visibility into complex environments, and employing advanced threat intelligence and vulnerability management to fortify systems against evolving risks. We serve diverse sectors including manufacturing, water treatment, agriculture, and mining.

Penetration Testing

We simulate real-world cyber-attacks on public-facing infrastructure, including web applications, systems, and network devices for clients. By emulating the tactics, techniques, and procedures used by malicious actors, we aim to identify and exploit vulnerabilities and configuration weaknesses that could compromise critical and sensitive information assets. We offer sound advice on remediating weaknesses and improving resilience to cyber-attacks.


Companies of all sizes, mix, and complexity face an ever-increasing number of threats to their critical and sensitive information assets. However, hiring a full-time CISO can be expensive, especially for smaller companies. By using our CISO-as-a-Service, clients can access to a battle-hardened security professional armed with our intellectual property without bearing the full-time employment costs.

Data Governance

We specialise in developing data governance frameworks that define data domains and critical data elements essential for business processes, financial reporting, and regulatory compliance. We design comprehensive data controls and data quality rules to safeguard an organisation’s information, ensuring accuracy and compliance with the highest standards. Our approach integrates ethical considerations, ensuring data privacy and designing principles and patterns to guide trustworthy AI deployments.

Financial Crime

Our commitment extends to simplifying the complex task of preventing, detecting, and responding to financial crime for clients. Services encompass risk assessments, evaluating compliance programs, and testing controls to ensure compliance with AML/CTF regulations. We understand the distinctions between cyber-attacks and financial crimes are disappearing. As a result, a holistic approach to managing these interconnected risks is required.

Regulatory Compliance

Each company’s compliance obligations will be driven by the industry in which it operates, and the products and services it offers customers. We support clients with complying with relevant laws, rules, regulations, and standards. This includes designing compliance risk management strategies with a clearly defined approach to managing compliance risks, processes to support compliance risk management practices, and clear accountability for managing compliance risks.