
Our mission is to guide clients from a state of security to one of resilience

In today’s world, where connectivity is ubiquitous and the dependency on real time data and digital infrastructure is profound, recognising the necessity of resilience against the backdrop of dynamic threats and severe disruptions is paramount.

We pride ourselves on our business-driven, risk-based, and consultative approach that aligns with contemporary practices and relevant regulatory standards. Our services involve:

We collaborate with clients to improve their ability to: govern and manage operational risks with effective controls, monitoring, and remediation; create business continuity plans that sets out how to maintain critical operations within agreed tolerance levels through severe disruptions; manage risks associated with the use of service providers through robust due diligence, comprehensive service provider management policies, monitoring, and formal agreements.

We strive to reduce the likelihood and consequence of cyber-attacks on clients by designing, implementing, and testing controls commensurate with the size and extent of threats to critical and sensitive information assets (IT/OT), and which enables the continued sound operation of their business.

Recognising the value and pervasive nature of data, we implement data governance frameworks to define authority and control over the access, usage, and quality of data required to meet our client’s business and regulatory objectives. This includes ethical considerations, ensuring data privacy, and principles and recommendations to guide trustworthy AI deployments.

Our commitment extends to simplifying the complex task of preventing, detecting, and responding to financial crime for clients. Services encompass risk assessments, evaluating compliance programs, and testing controls to ensure compliance with AML/CTF regulations.

We support clients with their compliance obligations including designing compliance risk management strategies, processes to support compliance risk management practices, clear accountability for managing compliance risks, and remediating compliance gaps and weaknesses.